53. Everyday Holds Something New

Everything we do in our lives is based on what we think or feel is best in that moment, even when we are acting impulsively. So when I, personally, continue to try doing “the next right thing” and life keeps moving, I have to make the best of every situation and believe that God has my back.

When I started this blog and the subsequent podcast, I saw big things and could only believe that God had been molding and shaping this vision since it came into my heart back in 2004. After so many years, it feels impossible to not believe that I should continue to move in my current direction and remain faithful, allowing God to work in and through me.

As I watch the summer disappear as quickly as it came, I saw a slow but encouraging incline of responses, feedback, and visitors, I became increasingly excited because it seemed that it was further confirmation that I was actually doing what God was calling me to do. By sharing deep things that it scares me to share, faithfully hoping that my stories would be a catalyst for someone who is in a place in their life that I once was, it excited me to see this confirmation.

Then comes the onslaught of demands that life brings, when perhaps it’s not that you’re suddenly busier than before, but the things of life draw your attention away from your purpose. It begs the question, “Is this part of my purpose? Or is this just a test of my resiliency??”

So that brings me to today, where this blog is getting a refreshed focus, a new look, and a new name!

Trials & Triumph more clearly represents what our lives and our stories are like. This name gives us the liberty to be open about the ups and downs that have made us who we are today, and will continue to shape us for the rest of our lives.

I am entering a season where the Trials & Triumph blog and podcast will be taking on a slightly new format. I took most of the summer months off and after this post, I will be not be posting a lengthy post every week. Better than explaining how things will work going forward, I hope you will continue to join me on this journey. I encourage you to take a moment and share your thoughts, stories or feedback when new posts come out.

Please let me know in the comments what you think about the new look, name, and maybe a little about your story! I am excited about the conversations we will have and learning how to live our best life together!

See you next time!


Let me know what you think!